
We have made all our product literature available for you to download in this overview. Whether you are planning a new purchase or want to look up information on one of your existing products, you are sure to find what you are looking for here.

Detailed information on the features of SIKO products can be found in the catalogs and flyers. Our white papers contain more in-depth information on measuring methods and application examples. Technical data and dimensions can be found in the data sheets. You can view your selected SIKO product from all sides in one of the 3D models.

You have the option of downloading a freely available terminal program under "Software".

You can find all available "Setup packages" on the relevant product detail pages for integration into your control system, e.g., function blocks, AOIs, GSDML, EDS, ESI, XDD, GSD, Anybus, and IODD files.

Our tutorials provide you with step-by-step instructions for commissioning our devices.
We have also stored all certificates and manufacturer attestations there for you.


SIKO Product Overview
SIKO MagLine Product Overview


Format Adjustment
Monitored Format Adjustment
Key Technology IO-Link
We Enable Retrofitting
Format Adjustment | Pharmaceutical Industry
Manual & Pneumatic Clamping Plates
Construction Machinery, Crane & Lifting Technology
Safety Position Sensors - Solutions for Complex Challenges

White Paper

Format Adjustment Goes Industry 4.0
High Productivity with Open Motor Feedback Systems
Comparison of Optical & Magnetic Length & Angle Measuring Systems


ISO 9001 Certificate
KBA StVR Certificate supplement to ISO 9001

Manufacturer certificates

Dodd Frank Declaration
Code of Conduct

Product Compliance

The EU has imposed massive and unprecedented sanctions against Russia in response to Russia's war against the Ukraine

No Russia Clause


You can download a freely available terminal program here.